That's right...another coffee mission. (I might just track down every coffee mission I can for this thing...I like coffee, I love the Lord, and it seems like an excellent combo.) Melissa found this mission on our friend Andrea's blog. Thanks, Andrea, for the head's up!
Today's focus is on the 963 Coffee Project from 963 Missions. Just like the previous mission I had in the spotlight, this mission is attempting to bring awareness to the unfair wages that are found in the coffee fields of many of the world's bean growing countries.
A few highlights from the website:
- Black Gold - a documentray focusing on coffee farmers, and how a single cup of coffee can impact so many lives.
- Coffee Trips - mission trips that take you to Guatemala to meet the farmers, help them with the plantation work, and visit local churches and markets.
- 963 Coffee - but the brew here.
- Publicity - a feature in Relevant magazine.
Thanks so much for sharing about what we do! Erin w/ 963!