This is truly a story of obedience...and of faith. The word faith is defined as "confidence or trust in a person or thing." Noah was commanded by God to build a great boat. God gave him explicit instructions. Dimensions. Materials. Building plans. (All of these are in Genesis 6:14-16.) The Bible tells us in Genesis 6:22 (NIV) that "Noah did everything just as God commanded him."
Hold on, folks...I am assuming that Noah lived in pretty dry, arid conditions. You know...a desert.
"Confidence or trust in a person..."
You think Noah got some weird looks from his buddies? You think Noah was a little self-conscious about this whole thing...maybe a little unsure? I would imagine he was. He's building a giant boat in an area without a whole lot of water. Outsiders (pretty much anybody not named Noah or God) couldn't have possibly understood. I wonder if Noah even truly understood. But God had a plan, didn't he. A new covenant. Redemption...a chance to start over.
Are we building our arks? Or are we worried about the passers-by that don't understand? Will we be ready for the floods in our life? That new covenant has been made...
Some thoughts from the journal...
" 'For Noah, surrender was not a single decision or noteworthy event; it was a process. A routine. A journey. A walk. Obedience was the natural result of this methodical approach. Walking with God meant knowing Him. Knowing God meant loving Him. Loving meant hearing. Hearing, obeying. And obeying God meant salvation.' " (This was actually a quote from the book...but I wrote it down, because it was " quite strong". Anybody get the movie reference?)
"It is a journey, Michael." (I wrote this down on the next line, to remind myself.)
"Human nature is to seek comfort. It isn't comfortable to be the only one putting faith in the unseen. But, it is faith."
"God made a new covenant, and yet had to make a 'new' new covenant (Jesus). Can we not do the same for mercy, love, and forgiveness? God is love." (On the subject of forgiving others, and how God's mercy is an example.)
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This is not a comment about your post, but I just looked at your Hotter than Hell pictures! So proud of ya'll! And you look SO skinny. Need to eat more!