Thursday, October 22, 2009

Controversy: Inclusion not really all-inclusive (no surprise here)

Many public school libraries are carrying books that deal with homosexuality...namely the struggle with ones own identity. But it seems that only works one way...

Click here for a link to the story.

We are force-fed a message of tolerance on a daily basis. What amazes me is that this message is generally so one-sided that it becomes laughable.



  1. We are fed a message of tolerance, because our history is one of very violent and perverse intolerance. We should never even consider taking a step back towards our past that is filled with such fear and hatred.

  2. I agree to some extent Dallas. I just get of seeing "tolerance" being preached as long as it fits an agenda. In this instance, there isn't a complete 360 degree tolerance because it works against an agenda.
