Thursday, October 22, 2009

Controversy: Pastor to burn Bibles

Next Saturday, on Halloween night, a North Carolina pastor is planning to host an event that will include the burning of books he considers heretical.

Click here for a link to the article.

Undoubtedly, this same event will occur throughout the nation and world, not only on Halloween, but throughout the year. The kicker here is this: the pastor is planning to burn versions of the Bible that are not the King James version. He calls other versions of the Bible "satanic" and "perversions." He will also be burning works from "heretics" such as Billy Graham, Rick Warren, and...wait for it...Mother Teresa.

Unbelievable. First of all, the whole book burning thing is very Footloose and Pleasantville and 1955 sounding. I've never understand what is accomplished with this, other than reinforcing the stereotype that Christians are intolerant and close-minded. Second, this dude wants to burn the Bible. He wants to prevent the perversion of God's word...a truly noble act, undoubtedly...but isn't he perverting the way that God wants us to act in the process? (Granted, don't we all pervert that every day?)

I don't know...this just really ticks me off. I obviously base this on no sort of inside knowledge, but I am guessing this dude hasn't had a ton of two-sided discussion on the various translations that are out there, and is probably very likely to cast that first stone if called upon. Thanks for the great pub, buddy.

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