Monday, November 15, 2010
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Controversy: Inclusion not really all-inclusive (no surprise here)
Many public school libraries are carrying books that deal with homosexuality...namely the struggle with ones own identity. But it seems that only works one way...
Click here for a link to the story.
We are force-fed a message of tolerance on a daily basis. What amazes me is that this message is generally so one-sided that it becomes laughable.
Click here for a link to the story.
We are force-fed a message of tolerance on a daily basis. What amazes me is that this message is generally so one-sided that it becomes laughable.
Controversy: Pastor to burn Bibles
Next Saturday, on Halloween night, a North Carolina pastor is planning to host an event that will include the burning of books he considers heretical.
Click here for a link to the article.
Undoubtedly, this same event will occur throughout the nation and world, not only on Halloween, but throughout the year. The kicker here is this: the pastor is planning to burn versions of the Bible that are not the King James version. He calls other versions of the Bible "satanic" and "perversions." He will also be burning works from "heretics" such as Billy Graham, Rick Warren, and...wait for it...Mother Teresa.
Unbelievable. First of all, the whole book burning thing is very Footloose and Pleasantville and 1955 sounding. I've never understand what is accomplished with this, other than reinforcing the stereotype that Christians are intolerant and close-minded. Second, this dude wants to burn the Bible. He wants to prevent the perversion of God's word...a truly noble act, undoubtedly...but isn't he perverting the way that God wants us to act in the process? (Granted, don't we all pervert that every day?)
I don't know...this just really ticks me off. I obviously base this on no sort of inside knowledge, but I am guessing this dude hasn't had a ton of two-sided discussion on the various translations that are out there, and is probably very likely to cast that first stone if called upon. Thanks for the great pub, buddy.
Click here for a link to the article.
Undoubtedly, this same event will occur throughout the nation and world, not only on Halloween, but throughout the year. The kicker here is this: the pastor is planning to burn versions of the Bible that are not the King James version. He calls other versions of the Bible "satanic" and "perversions." He will also be burning works from "heretics" such as Billy Graham, Rick Warren, and...wait for it...Mother Teresa.
Unbelievable. First of all, the whole book burning thing is very Footloose and Pleasantville and 1955 sounding. I've never understand what is accomplished with this, other than reinforcing the stereotype that Christians are intolerant and close-minded. Second, this dude wants to burn the Bible. He wants to prevent the perversion of God's word...a truly noble act, undoubtedly...but isn't he perverting the way that God wants us to act in the process? (Granted, don't we all pervert that every day?)
I don't know...this just really ticks me off. I obviously base this on no sort of inside knowledge, but I am guessing this dude hasn't had a ton of two-sided discussion on the various translations that are out there, and is probably very likely to cast that first stone if called upon. Thanks for the great pub, buddy.
Monday, October 19, 2009
October blogging and ghosts in the Bible

I figure the best way to start is to take a quick look at what the Bible says about spirits, ghosts, demons, etc. A quick Google search ("what does the bible say about ghosts") took me to this website. The thing that immediately stands out is the differentiation between the words "spirits" and "ghosts." Most of us know that spirits (angels and demons) are referenced in the Bible through various stories. However, if the term ghost is taken as the spirit of a person who has died, then the idea of ghosts in our world is not supported by the Word. Instead, the Bible speaks directly against the idea of ghosts. The referenced website uses Hebrews 9:27 to support this, which states that a " is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment..." (NIV). The Word is also very clear that upon facing judgment, a late person's spirit will either "go away to eternal punishment" or to "eternal glory" (Matthew 25:46 NIV). This leaves little doubt that while spirits might be found on Earth, those spirits are not ghosts in the sense that we think of them.
So what kind of spirits are floating (bad pun!) around out there? Tune in tomorrow (or the next day) for a look at "hauntings" in the Bible, and what the Word says about Earthly spirits.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Happy brithday, Melissa!!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Short (edited: but not really that short) version of the proposal story: We had a date night planned (Trendy Date Night is what we call know, somewhere cool and trendy and downtown...this was actually my idea to be able to pull off the engagement (I started it in August)). I kept the restaurant a surprise (we were headed to Five Sixty at Reunion Tower), but had told her I was wearing a suit (mainly because I had bought some new suits and wanted to wear one). Well, she also knew that the following night we had plans to meet my parents, brother, sister-in-law, niece, her parents, and her brother for dinner (this had nothing to do with the engagement, as it was more of a surprise birthday party). Well, I kept wondering if she was on to what I was planning. So, I show up, in a suit, with some roses and a backpack...she answers the door, says "Hi" and smiles real big...and I have no doubt that she knows. I give her the roses, she smells them, sets them down, says "thanks," and then looks at me. I am like, "Are you ready to go?" She replies, "Yeah, I'm ready." QUICK SIDE NOTE: I WAS COUNTING ON HER TO BE RUNNING LATE...YOU KNOW, SO I COULD GET THERE AND COLLECT MYSELF...FOR THOSE THAT DON'T KNOW ME TOO WELL, I GET NERVOUS...BUT INSTEAD, SHE IS READY ON TIME (EARLY EVEN), FOR THE FIRST TIME IN A LONG TIME...SO THAT THREW ME COMPLETELY OFF MY GAME!! Anyways, she says she is ready, so I kind of just stand there, and then clumsily say "Well, I have some surprises for you!" So I give her a framed piece of paper with the verse in the picture above (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12) on it, as well as a Jack Ingram song lyric that is a little inside thing with us. We read the verse, I am messing the words up. I say a few things, and then I get down on a knee to ask her, and the last thought I have before I ask is as follows: "The ring box is going to open towards me." (Reminder: I was thrown off my game by punctuality, so I did not have time to ensure the box was oriented in my hand appropriately.) Well, I proceed...and lucky me, it opens towards her. She says "yes" and tries to hug me...I make her say it again...rinse and repeat...she says it three times before I will hug her. SECOND QUICK SIDE NOTE: THAT IS A LOT OF BUILDUP TO A QUESTION/ANSWER THAT TAKES APPROXIMATELY 3 SECONDS, SO I WAS TRYING TO STRETCH IT A BIT...IT HAD BEEN FOUR AND A HALF YEARS! We head on to dinner and have a few people over to my house afterward. The next night, we get to the planned party, and everybody yells "surprise!" Well, only a few of them know we had gotten engaged. I quickly grab her left wrist, hold up her left hand, and yell "surprise!" back at them...a collective gasp occurs...and then the chaos of birthday wishes and congratulations ensues! Quite a memorable I certainly won't be forgetting soon!
Melissa and I have been dating since January 14, 2005. In four and a half years, nobody has helped my grow more into who I am today, be it my personality, my attitudes, and most of all, my faith, than her. I am incredibly blessed to have found a woman who possesses such a strong sense of herself and her faith and beliefs. I know that I am expected to fill this role...but she is truly the rock in my life. She keeps me grounded...she keeps me humbled...she keeps me motivated...and she keeps me going. I have referred to our relationship as "crazy, silly love" and I honestly think that describes it best! We have a blast together...we laugh a lot (mostly at each other!)...whether it be training for a triathlon, or going to a musical, or sitting at home and plowing through reruns of Friends, it's always fun, and it always feels new. She's truly my best friend, and there is nobody I would rather embark on life's journey with!
I am looking forward to the next few months as we embark on the journey that planning a wedding will certainly turn out to be. I am looking further with even greater anticipation to beginning our lives as a married couple. God has done amazing things in my life the past few years, and I look to the future with little doubt that He has even more in store...not just for me, but for Melissa and me both!
A few pictures....
Monday, August 24, 2009
Men of the Bible: Week 3 (Noah)
This is truly a story of obedience...and of faith. The word faith is defined as "confidence or trust in a person or thing." Noah was commanded by God to build a great boat. God gave him explicit instructions. Dimensions. Materials. Building plans. (All of these are in Genesis 6:14-16.) The Bible tells us in Genesis 6:22 (NIV) that "Noah did everything just as God commanded him."
Hold on, folks...I am assuming that Noah lived in pretty dry, arid conditions. You know...a desert.
"Confidence or trust in a person..."
You think Noah got some weird looks from his buddies? You think Noah was a little self-conscious about this whole thing...maybe a little unsure? I would imagine he was. He's building a giant boat in an area without a whole lot of water. Outsiders (pretty much anybody not named Noah or God) couldn't have possibly understood. I wonder if Noah even truly understood. But God had a plan, didn't he. A new covenant. Redemption...a chance to start over.
Are we building our arks? Or are we worried about the passers-by that don't understand? Will we be ready for the floods in our life? That new covenant has been made...
Some thoughts from the journal...
" 'For Noah, surrender was not a single decision or noteworthy event; it was a process. A routine. A journey. A walk. Obedience was the natural result of this methodical approach. Walking with God meant knowing Him. Knowing God meant loving Him. Loving meant hearing. Hearing, obeying. And obeying God meant salvation.' " (This was actually a quote from the book...but I wrote it down, because it was " quite strong". Anybody get the movie reference?)
"It is a journey, Michael." (I wrote this down on the next line, to remind myself.)
"Human nature is to seek comfort. It isn't comfortable to be the only one putting faith in the unseen. But, it is faith."
"God made a new covenant, and yet had to make a 'new' new covenant (Jesus). Can we not do the same for mercy, love, and forgiveness? God is love." (On the subject of forgiving others, and how God's mercy is an example.)
Hold on, folks...I am assuming that Noah lived in pretty dry, arid conditions. You know...a desert.
"Confidence or trust in a person..."
You think Noah got some weird looks from his buddies? You think Noah was a little self-conscious about this whole thing...maybe a little unsure? I would imagine he was. He's building a giant boat in an area without a whole lot of water. Outsiders (pretty much anybody not named Noah or God) couldn't have possibly understood. I wonder if Noah even truly understood. But God had a plan, didn't he. A new covenant. Redemption...a chance to start over.
Are we building our arks? Or are we worried about the passers-by that don't understand? Will we be ready for the floods in our life? That new covenant has been made...
Some thoughts from the journal...
" 'For Noah, surrender was not a single decision or noteworthy event; it was a process. A routine. A journey. A walk. Obedience was the natural result of this methodical approach. Walking with God meant knowing Him. Knowing God meant loving Him. Loving meant hearing. Hearing, obeying. And obeying God meant salvation.' " (This was actually a quote from the book...but I wrote it down, because it was " quite strong". Anybody get the movie reference?)
"It is a journey, Michael." (I wrote this down on the next line, to remind myself.)
"Human nature is to seek comfort. It isn't comfortable to be the only one putting faith in the unseen. But, it is faith."
"God made a new covenant, and yet had to make a 'new' new covenant (Jesus). Can we not do the same for mercy, love, and forgiveness? God is love." (On the subject of forgiving others, and how God's mercy is an example.)
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