Thursday, October 22, 2009
Controversy: Inclusion not really all-inclusive (no surprise here)
Click here for a link to the story.
We are force-fed a message of tolerance on a daily basis. What amazes me is that this message is generally so one-sided that it becomes laughable.
Controversy: Pastor to burn Bibles
Click here for a link to the article.
Undoubtedly, this same event will occur throughout the nation and world, not only on Halloween, but throughout the year. The kicker here is this: the pastor is planning to burn versions of the Bible that are not the King James version. He calls other versions of the Bible "satanic" and "perversions." He will also be burning works from "heretics" such as Billy Graham, Rick Warren, and...wait for it...Mother Teresa.
Unbelievable. First of all, the whole book burning thing is very Footloose and Pleasantville and 1955 sounding. I've never understand what is accomplished with this, other than reinforcing the stereotype that Christians are intolerant and close-minded. Second, this dude wants to burn the Bible. He wants to prevent the perversion of God's word...a truly noble act, undoubtedly...but isn't he perverting the way that God wants us to act in the process? (Granted, don't we all pervert that every day?)
I don't know...this just really ticks me off. I obviously base this on no sort of inside knowledge, but I am guessing this dude hasn't had a ton of two-sided discussion on the various translations that are out there, and is probably very likely to cast that first stone if called upon. Thanks for the great pub, buddy.
Monday, October 19, 2009
October blogging and ghosts in the Bible

I figure the best way to start is to take a quick look at what the Bible says about spirits, ghosts, demons, etc. A quick Google search ("what does the bible say about ghosts") took me to this website. The thing that immediately stands out is the differentiation between the words "spirits" and "ghosts." Most of us know that spirits (angels and demons) are referenced in the Bible through various stories. However, if the term ghost is taken as the spirit of a person who has died, then the idea of ghosts in our world is not supported by the Word. Instead, the Bible speaks directly against the idea of ghosts. The referenced website uses Hebrews 9:27 to support this, which states that a " is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment..." (NIV). The Word is also very clear that upon facing judgment, a late person's spirit will either "go away to eternal punishment" or to "eternal glory" (Matthew 25:46 NIV). This leaves little doubt that while spirits might be found on Earth, those spirits are not ghosts in the sense that we think of them.
So what kind of spirits are floating (bad pun!) around out there? Tune in tomorrow (or the next day) for a look at "hauntings" in the Bible, and what the Word says about Earthly spirits.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Happy brithday, Melissa!!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Short (edited: but not really that short) version of the proposal story: We had a date night planned (Trendy Date Night is what we call know, somewhere cool and trendy and downtown...this was actually my idea to be able to pull off the engagement (I started it in August)). I kept the restaurant a surprise (we were headed to Five Sixty at Reunion Tower), but had told her I was wearing a suit (mainly because I had bought some new suits and wanted to wear one). Well, she also knew that the following night we had plans to meet my parents, brother, sister-in-law, niece, her parents, and her brother for dinner (this had nothing to do with the engagement, as it was more of a surprise birthday party). Well, I kept wondering if she was on to what I was planning. So, I show up, in a suit, with some roses and a backpack...she answers the door, says "Hi" and smiles real big...and I have no doubt that she knows. I give her the roses, she smells them, sets them down, says "thanks," and then looks at me. I am like, "Are you ready to go?" She replies, "Yeah, I'm ready." QUICK SIDE NOTE: I WAS COUNTING ON HER TO BE RUNNING LATE...YOU KNOW, SO I COULD GET THERE AND COLLECT MYSELF...FOR THOSE THAT DON'T KNOW ME TOO WELL, I GET NERVOUS...BUT INSTEAD, SHE IS READY ON TIME (EARLY EVEN), FOR THE FIRST TIME IN A LONG TIME...SO THAT THREW ME COMPLETELY OFF MY GAME!! Anyways, she says she is ready, so I kind of just stand there, and then clumsily say "Well, I have some surprises for you!" So I give her a framed piece of paper with the verse in the picture above (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12) on it, as well as a Jack Ingram song lyric that is a little inside thing with us. We read the verse, I am messing the words up. I say a few things, and then I get down on a knee to ask her, and the last thought I have before I ask is as follows: "The ring box is going to open towards me." (Reminder: I was thrown off my game by punctuality, so I did not have time to ensure the box was oriented in my hand appropriately.) Well, I proceed...and lucky me, it opens towards her. She says "yes" and tries to hug me...I make her say it again...rinse and repeat...she says it three times before I will hug her. SECOND QUICK SIDE NOTE: THAT IS A LOT OF BUILDUP TO A QUESTION/ANSWER THAT TAKES APPROXIMATELY 3 SECONDS, SO I WAS TRYING TO STRETCH IT A BIT...IT HAD BEEN FOUR AND A HALF YEARS! We head on to dinner and have a few people over to my house afterward. The next night, we get to the planned party, and everybody yells "surprise!" Well, only a few of them know we had gotten engaged. I quickly grab her left wrist, hold up her left hand, and yell "surprise!" back at them...a collective gasp occurs...and then the chaos of birthday wishes and congratulations ensues! Quite a memorable I certainly won't be forgetting soon!
Melissa and I have been dating since January 14, 2005. In four and a half years, nobody has helped my grow more into who I am today, be it my personality, my attitudes, and most of all, my faith, than her. I am incredibly blessed to have found a woman who possesses such a strong sense of herself and her faith and beliefs. I know that I am expected to fill this role...but she is truly the rock in my life. She keeps me grounded...she keeps me humbled...she keeps me motivated...and she keeps me going. I have referred to our relationship as "crazy, silly love" and I honestly think that describes it best! We have a blast together...we laugh a lot (mostly at each other!)...whether it be training for a triathlon, or going to a musical, or sitting at home and plowing through reruns of Friends, it's always fun, and it always feels new. She's truly my best friend, and there is nobody I would rather embark on life's journey with!
I am looking forward to the next few months as we embark on the journey that planning a wedding will certainly turn out to be. I am looking further with even greater anticipation to beginning our lives as a married couple. God has done amazing things in my life the past few years, and I look to the future with little doubt that He has even more in store...not just for me, but for Melissa and me both!
A few pictures....
Monday, August 24, 2009
Men of the Bible: Week 3 (Noah)
Hold on, folks...I am assuming that Noah lived in pretty dry, arid conditions. You know...a desert.
"Confidence or trust in a person..."
You think Noah got some weird looks from his buddies? You think Noah was a little self-conscious about this whole thing...maybe a little unsure? I would imagine he was. He's building a giant boat in an area without a whole lot of water. Outsiders (pretty much anybody not named Noah or God) couldn't have possibly understood. I wonder if Noah even truly understood. But God had a plan, didn't he. A new covenant. Redemption...a chance to start over.
Are we building our arks? Or are we worried about the passers-by that don't understand? Will we be ready for the floods in our life? That new covenant has been made...
Some thoughts from the journal...
" 'For Noah, surrender was not a single decision or noteworthy event; it was a process. A routine. A journey. A walk. Obedience was the natural result of this methodical approach. Walking with God meant knowing Him. Knowing God meant loving Him. Loving meant hearing. Hearing, obeying. And obeying God meant salvation.' " (This was actually a quote from the book...but I wrote it down, because it was " quite strong". Anybody get the movie reference?)
"It is a journey, Michael." (I wrote this down on the next line, to remind myself.)
"Human nature is to seek comfort. It isn't comfortable to be the only one putting faith in the unseen. But, it is faith."
"God made a new covenant, and yet had to make a 'new' new covenant (Jesus). Can we not do the same for mercy, love, and forgiveness? God is love." (On the subject of forgiving others, and how God's mercy is an example.)
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Thoughts on recent Josh Hamilton news...
Jars of Clay - "Worlds Apart"
Josh is open about his faith. He gives glory to God. He is a servant in the community, he is a witness to salvation, and he is sincere in his belief that God has given him a second chance to take his story across the nation and world. He has spoken openly about his daily struggle...that his addictive personality makes literally every day feel like a war is being waged against his sobriety and recovery. Well, one night this past January, Josh lost a battle...
A few links regarding this story (I am not posting links to the photos of him, you can find them if you want to):
Josh admits to being drunk (DMN)
Josh admits to being drunk (ESPN)
Thoughts from Josh's wife Katie (DMN)
Short version...Josh was is Arizona, got drunk, acted inappropriately with women who were not his wife, photos were taken. He proceeded to immediately let his wife, his sponsor, the Rangers, and the MLB offices know of his slip-up. He seems to have handled it in the best way he could...accept accountability (even in public when it came out), ask for forgiveness of those who matter in his life (of which the general population does not), and make peace with God, knowing that he is human and that He is mighty.
The question is...did he lose the war? Furthermore, did he lose all credibility as it relates to his faith? Is he a fraud? Did he embarrass Christianity?
First of all, as a Christian who believes in the saving grace of Jesus' blood...Josh did not lose the war. Yes, he took a step back...haven't you? Don't we all have our struggles, and don't we all falter at various times? Josh, in my best estimation, is fighting the good fight. He is out there with his story, he is letting people know about the power of faith in God, and he is a walking testimony to the power that the Lord has in our lives if we let him in. I do not think his story of faith is fake. Will some people now look at him with a questioning eye when he gives praise to God? Absolutely. Is it unfortunate that people will not focus on years of sobriety and progress, but instead hone in on a single incident.
Did he embarrass Christianity? I am sure this is a huge debate, and there is no direct answer. Did he act like a Christian that night? No. Does that make him less of a Christian than before? It absolutely does not. I have seen many things written the past few days about him not being a true Christian, and that he is fake, and that it was all an act, and even that he will likely slip-up even more now. The majority of these things have come from those who are not Christians themselves. However, some of that criticism is from people who profess the faith. And that is what irks me. Josh had a night of struggle, and he is a public figure whose story is well documented...and now Christianity has come under attack, from outside and from within. People are talking about how easy it is to ask for forgiveness and use Jesus as a shield from scrutiny. Others are talking about how hypocritical it is of him to be talking about his faith, promoting his book, etc, knowing about this. Others still are using this to talk about Christianity being a sham altogether.
What should we do as Christians? First…I think we should pray for Josh, and his continued recovery. I don’t know him…but I do know that he is a real dude, and that he is a professed brother in Christ, and that he need prayers. “I realized that, obviously, I'm not perfect, in this ongoing struggle, battle, that is very real. A lot of people don't understand how real it is." That is a direct quote from him regarding this whole thing.
Second…and this is what gets me pumped (you know, a little opportunity from God to spread the word)…we should all seize this opportunity to reinforce the idea that Christians are not perfect. We instead are sinners in every definition of the word. We are lustful, prideful, judgmental…recovering addicts, be it alcohol, drugs, gambling, whatever…we are a group that collectively comes from every walk of life…and that we are saved not by our own abilities to never screw up, but instead by the blood of Jesus. We should all remind ourselves and others that we are all in this together, and we should stick up for our brother and our faith. We should let it be known that we are incapable of perfection, and that it is not perfection that is demanded, but faith and a heart of love and forgiveness.
I am not embarrassed by him. If I ever feel that way, then I hope he, as a Christian, is likewise embarrassed by the way I sometimes act. And I don’t need to forgive him…he didn’t do anything to me…but there seem to be lots of people who think he owes them an apology, because he is a role model to youth, or because they own a #32 Rangers jersey. Sorry folks, but he owes God, his wife, and his support system an apology. Is he a role model? Yeah, I think he is. Not because he has a great swing, or a rocket of an arm, but because he is alive, and he is living his life with perseverance, and humility, and with (outside of that night) a true passion and thankfulness that he gets to wake up every day. Josh Hamilton, in my opinion, is a servant. So was his savior.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Men of the Bible: Week 2 (Cain and Abel)
This is at its heart a story of doing enough versus doing a little bit more. Cain's offering was "enough" to get by in his mind. However, Abel made an offering that he felt was worthy of God. He did a little bit more. And God took favor with Abel. Note that God did not take favor with Abel's sacrifice (this is important), but that he took favor with Abel...more importantly, God likely took favor with Abel's heart. (Could it be that Abel was the original "man after God's own heart?") Cain, in a fit of rage and jealousy, murdered his brother, and tried to hide that from God. We know how that turned out (little bit of a pattern in this family, huh?)...
Some thoughts from the journal...
"Do I do just 'enough' to get by? Do I honor God with my offering (money, life, service, heart)? What am I trying to hide?"
"Cain and Abel...are both living inside me? Sometimes I try to get by...others, I am on FIRE for God. Who is winning that tug-of-war?"
"God does not need our sacrifices. God created the world...can have what he desires...wants to see we have a generous heart and spirit."
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Looking ahead...

After another rather extended absence from this thing, I am back to once again apologize for not being more regular with my updates, and also to once again ensure you that I intend to be more committed to this in the coming weeks and months.
Short version explaining the lack of got insane, Melissa and I have been training for a triathlon (including lots of training in the evenings), and then being exhausted at the end of the day because of those two things combined. We're still training, but work seems to have become more manageable, so this is going to start getting some more attention again.
In my original post, I mentioned that this would eventually become a bit topical. I am hoping that the next few months will allow for that. Besides my weekly entries on the Men of the Bible study I started (and will be continuing...Week 2 entry is coming soon!), I am going to take the coming seasons (fall/winter) to do some themed entries based around the theme of the given month. The fall and early winter seasons (October through New Year's) are my favorite times of the year, and I am pretty enthused about taking that time to grow in my faith. The outline looks like this...
- October - Okay, Halloween isn't viewed as real "churchy." However, I am planning to look at some stories from the Word that include instances of spirits (angels or demons)...hopefully a few that are lesser known will be discussed! I also plan to look at the historical ties that the Church has to Halloween and All Saint's Day.
- November - This month will include focus on giving thanks, how the Lord blessed people in the Bible through harvests, and will culminate with a look at the first Thanksgiving and how the Pilgrims gave thanks to God for His blessings.
- December - I am really looking forward to this month! I am obviously going to focus on the story of Jesus's birth as a whole, but I also plan to do a more focused study of Joseph, the shepherds, and the magi. I will also be looking at the history of Christmas, and how the Christian treatment fits into it.
In the interim, I am looking forward to getting back into this blog, and letting it be a tool that helps me...and you...grow in the Lord.
Until the next time...
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
963 Coffee Project...

That's right...another coffee mission. (I might just track down every coffee mission I can for this thing...I like coffee, I love the Lord, and it seems like an excellent combo.) Melissa found this mission on our friend Andrea's blog. Thanks, Andrea, for the head's up!
Today's focus is on the 963 Coffee Project from 963 Missions. Just like the previous mission I had in the spotlight, this mission is attempting to bring awareness to the unfair wages that are found in the coffee fields of many of the world's bean growing countries.
A few highlights from the website:
- Black Gold - a documentray focusing on coffee farmers, and how a single cup of coffee can impact so many lives.
- Coffee Trips - mission trips that take you to Guatemala to meet the farmers, help them with the plantation work, and visit local churches and markets.
- 963 Coffee - but the brew here.
- Publicity - a feature in Relevant magazine.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Men of the Bible: Week 1 (Adam)
It struck me as I was reading about Adam how relevant his story is to the present times. How impatient humanity our culture demands what feels like an ever-increasing pace of the attitude of "What have you done for me lately?" perfectly describes our society. Are any of you truly brave enough to ask God what He has done for your lately? I know I am not. I wonder, though, is that because I am thinking about it right now?
A few phrases from the journal I am keeping through this study (obviously relevant to the study of Adam)...
"...the exhausting struggle of Godliness vs. worldliness began." (In reference to the early appearance of the shortcomings of human nature.)
" in harmony with God's Creation...After...a struggle for survival, both physically and spiritually." (Looking at man's interaction with God's creation before and after the fall.)
"Through the act of living (Adam), we died. Through the act of dying (Christ), we live." (Reflecting on the dichotomy of life and death as it relates to living for the world as Adam did, and the consequences that it brought (our fall, Jesus' sacrifice, grace.))
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Early congrats to the soon-to-be Hixons!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Drink Coffee Do Good

Christian rock band Third Day has teamed up with Land of a Thousand Hills Coffee to form the Drink Coffee Do Good mission work. The short story on this is that most coffee comes from growers and workers who are exploited to a great extent (think blood diamonds, but without the blood). This new mission is about promoting the workers in Rwanda who provide coffee beans to the industry...treating them fairly, paying them fairly, etc. Follow the links for more info.
Of particular interest to me is the coffee ministry kit...I'll have to look into this a little bit more.
For those wondering, I drink Green Mountain Coffee, a company that is "brewing a better world" by working with coffee-growing communities (similar to the above actions) and promoting the use of green energy in their facilities.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Well, I'm back...
A little bit about what has been going on...
My 28th birthday was last week on Memorial Day. Despite my attempts against it, I got a couple of really cool gifts that have me pumped. First, Melissa's parents got me a new Bible. I had mentioned to Melissa that I was thinking of getting one, and leave it to her to note that and remember it when it counted. Par the course for that girl! And I am grateful, because now I have a new study Bible. You can find the Amazon page for my new Bible here. It seems to have a wealth of information, including maps, timelines, numerous notes (nearly every verse seems to have a note), as well as "symbol" notes that identify a certain emphasis (Seedling - providing personal application and promoting growth; Trowel - providing archaeological insight to the verse and culture; Character - providing insight into a person or group of people as it relates to the text). It's a nice leather bound Bible, and it came with a complimentary name engraving! Thanks, Gene and Rhodonna!
Additionally, I got a Barnes and Noble gift card - which is always an excellent gift - from David and Melody. I used that to get two books: Men of the Bible: A One-Year Devotional Study of Men in Scripture and Mere Christianity. The one-year study book looks great! As noted on the webpage, it is broken up into five parts per week, with one man (or set of men) being studied each week. I am hoping that this study will really challenge me to evaluate what kind of Biblical legacy I am leaving as a man of God. I pray it will open my eyes to the kind of man God truly wants me to be, and that I will not resist Him as He continues to mold and sculpt my heart into one that truly lives for His word and love. I am looking forward to starting my one-year trip with the great Biblical men of history in just a few minutes...and along the way, I am looking forward to finally reading the iconic writing of C.S. Lewis. Thanks, David and Melody!
I don't wanna leave anybody I will quickly note that I recieved a couple of Bass Pro gift cards (from Tiffany and from David and Cathy), a Small Faces record (Tyler and Ashley), The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (from Michael and Jessica - excellent movie!), a Performance Bicycle gift card (Bob and Lynn), a Best Buy gift card (which turned into a Jars of Clay CD from Micah, Nancy, and McKenna), an ticket to an 11-1 Ranger's loss to the Yankees (from Brett...gee, thanks), a certificate for a frame for my college diploma (from Melissa...yeah, I've never gotten it framed), and a subscription to Texas Monthly magazine and the standard birthday funds (from my parents). A tremendous thank you to everybody that made my 28th a great event...even though the big NASCAR race got cancelled (don't worry...there was less than a 2% chance that my driver was going to win anyways!).
I'll try to update more tomorrow sometime...until then, goodnight and God bless!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Crown of space...

Sorry that I missed an entry unscheduled visit to the AAC for Mavs-Jazz got in the way. Go Mavs!
I thought this story was really cool. The photo is above. Odd timing (Easter week) if you ask me...
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Carrying the burden of Jesus...
Commenting now available...
Carry on...
Monday, April 6, 2009
Easter week

It's the week of Easter. And that means that "Sunday's comin'!!" I plan to try and find some interesting and inspiring things from around the world this week...images of Easter celebrations, videos of Easter sermons, articles containing testimonies of faith, and photos depicting the final few days that Jesus was on Earth up to His ascension.
I hope you will check back this week, and I hope that you will have that ultimate gift that God has given us in your mind all week!! God bless!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
"...the least of these..."

Made me think of this...
40“The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’41“Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.42For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink,43I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’44“They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’45“He will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’46“Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”(Matthew 25:40-46, NIV, courtesy of eBible)
Right of Conscience debate...
There’s some interesting stuff going on in our federal government right now that will impact not only your access to healthcare but whether I’m allowed to practice medicine or not in this country. Currently there are 2 pieces of legislation that the President and Congress have in the works that will restrict what is called a doctor’s “right of conscience”. Healthcare right of conscience is the ability to practice medicine or dentistry guided by your religious or moral beliefs. In constitutional terms: it is “the free exercise of religion” guaranteed in the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights. A doctor’s right of conscience includes but is not limited to the following:In my opinion, the government should not be forcing the hand of those in the medical field like this. Patients have a choice in who provides their medical care, and they have the choice to seek out the services of a physician who will provide them with what they desire. If you feel strongly about this, I encourage you to follow the links above and let your voice be heard.
1) The right to not perform an abortion
2) The right to not perform a physician-assisted suicide
3) The right to talk to young women about the wisdom of abstinence
4) The right to not prescribe birth control to a 16-year-old girl if they feel it would be encouraging destructive habits
The boldest steps ever taken to restrict these rights are currently being taken now through a) the rescission of Department of Health and Human Services regulation 45 CFR part 88, and likely b) the Freedom of Choice Act. If these regulations are passed without compromise, thousands of doctors and healthcare workers will potentially lose their right to practice medicine in the United States if they choose to incorporate their faith into their practice. The impact of this on you guys, people in need of healthcare, cannot be overstated. If interested, here’s what you can do:
1) A 30-day comment period on the Department of HHS regulation ends April 9! You can easily send your comment to the President and his folks at this website:
2) Sign the FOCA petition at this website:
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Editorial on the "study Bible"
The editorial goes on to make some interesting points, mainly about the potential misuse of this type of Bible. I personally enjoy the study Bibles I have owned. The contributions from notable figures, the historical insight and context that I don't possess, and the general applications that are presented provide me with an extra avenue to travel down in my walk of faith.Only time will tell how evangelicals' Bible-reading and -buying habits will change in coming years, but it's hard not to notice the swell of study Bibles in 2008, and indeed, applaud it. We could do with fewer niche Bibles that—as the NIV Bible for Girls' title reflects—often put individual consumers front and center. Specialty-brand Bibles usually squeeze the Word into ideological categories that make little sense given its original context, and encourage its use as an accessory rather than "the final authority in matters of faith and practice."
Conversely, study Bibles are meant for the whole church—for groups of laypeople seeking maps to the times, places, and cultures in which God revealed himself. A good study Bible bridges the gap between academic and devotional reading methods, relying on scholars' research to guide laypeople through passages that can be hard to understand today.
What say you?
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Interesting news...
Dallas Morning News
Wall Street Journal
Discovery Institute
Washington Post
Monday, March 30, 2009
"I wonder, do you know Him?"
First post...
I have been wanting to do something like this for a while. I like to write, and I think I have been blessed with a reasonable ability to do so. I have blogged about music before...and Harry Potter...and the Dallas Mavericks...and about wanting to write a book. (Yes, I wrote about wanting to write. I'm strange like that.) But for the past few months...maybe even a year or so...I have been really compelled to take that talent and creativity and use it to further the Kingdom. That is one of the things I think can offer back to God. A little corner of the web, devoted to Him, providing a forum of sorts for thoughts, and discussion, and questions, and (hopefully!) hope and encouragement.
At some point, I'd like to think that many different topics will get discussed on here...not just things on my mind...but on yours as well...or your friend's...or whomever. Let's try to keep it tasteful, and respectful, as there will almost certainly be some different views expressed. This can be a good thing...for me, and for you.
HUGE IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER ABOUT MY WRITING STYLE: I am a huge fan of the ellipsis. You will see "..." all over the place. I type as I think, and my thoughts pause or get interrupted frequently. Hope that isn't a beating to you.
Second post coming up soon...